Grant Crawley

Designed in England



Here you can browse through my resources page, I’ve broken them down into categories and subcategories so you can find the resources that may be useful to you.

This section is currently a work in progress, so don’t be surprised if there are things missing. I’m adding new entries every day, but I have a lot of stuff that I use and recommend.

Tools I use and recommend

I like tools, especially well-made hand tools. There is something special about a really well designed and executed hand plane or chisel.

Hand Tools

#10 Rabetting plane

#62 Low-angle jack plane

#90 Bullnose Plane

#92 Shoulder Plane

Imperial bevel-edged socket chisels

Metric bevel-edged chisels

Square awl

Brad awl

12in Steel rule

24in Steel rule

#9 1/2 Standard block plane

Bevel gauge

#5 Jack plane

#50 Combination plane

Low-angle block plane

Cabinet scraper

12in Combo Square

Panel gauge

Carpenter’s try square

Japanese pull saw


Small fret saw

Coping saw


#7 Jointer plane

#271 Small router plane

Edge trimming plane

Shooting plane

Journeyman’s mallet

Dovetailing rip back-saw

Small crosscut back saw

24in Crosscut Panel Saw

Power Tools

I do use some power tools in my woodworking, but my first love is hand tool work.

Plunge router

Random orbit sander

Mouse sander


Circular saw

Angle grinder

Power planer

Air brad nailer

Cordless drill/driver

Corded drill


I don’t have a lot of space, but I do seem to have a lot of machinery.


10″ Table saw

10″ Planer/thicknesser (Jointer/planer)

6″ Planer (Jointer)

Compound mitre saw

Router table

Drill press

12″ Bandsaw

Scroll saw

50l Compressor


Sewing machine


Materials I use and recommend

Obviously I can’t really go into detail on the woods I use, but there are other materials and hardware that I use in the execution of my making journey.


Gorilla PVA Wood Glue

Titebond I

Titebond II

Chestnut Cyanoacrylate (Superglue)



Nuts & Bolts


Software and services I use and recommend

My web hosting is provided by my own company, and obviously I wholeheartedly recommend them.