Ask Grant!

Ask Grant!

To get answers about woodworking, making and crafting, please use this page to ask about any issues you are experiencing. I will do my best to give you an answer or a way forward.

One of my aims for this blog is to make it a knowledge hub for woodworkers, makers and crafters. One way for me to make it better is to give you a way to get answers.

Grant Crawley

By profession I'm a computer engineer, but by passion I'm a designer and maker of handcrafted objects. I use whatever materials make sense for the item or project I'm working on, whether that's wood, fabric, leather, metals or plastics.

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Kurt Müller
Kurt Müller
3 years ago

Hi Grant, I like your MFT table but can’t find the plans at your ETSY shop. Can you please provide the link? Thanks – Kurt

Paul Norris
Paul Norris
Reply to  Kurt Müller
1 year ago

Still missing